Welcome to our very popular ‘Stepping Stones’ sessions for parents and carers and their pre-school children. Fridays 10.30am to 11.40am in the School Hall.
Stepping Stones sessions are for children of any pre-school age and are run every Friday – led by Mrs Bates.
There are lots of opportunities for your children (and you) to play and have fun!! These include: Messy play – play dough, painting, sticking, sand play and more!! We also play with Lego, building blocks, imaginative play and dress up. More and more children are bringing their parents / carers to school on a Friday morning to join in with the fun, whether it is arts and crafts, playing with the toys or riding on the bikes and trikes.
Mrs Bates also organises trips for the children. In the past, Stepping Stones have visited The Windmill Animal Farm (see the photos below) and have been visited by Father Christmas (click here to see the photos).
In the Hall we also include a Baby area, Home corner, Story time and of course singing.
A Healthy snack and drink is provided for both children and parents.
All we ask is for £1.50 per family for each visit!!
This group is open to all families near and far and is not confined to families already connected to School or Church. If we ever have to cancel – we let you know through the School’s Facebook page – so make sure you have liked our THT Facebook page!!
You don’t need to book…and you don’t have to come every week…just come along and join in with the fun!!
We look forward to seeing you!!
For further information please contact Julie Bates on the usual school number:
01772 812662