Our Vision, Values and Aims

Our Vision Statement

Value… Dream… Achieve…

As a loving Christian family, our aspiration is for everyone to flourish, safe in the belief that we, “…can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us.” Philippians 4:13.

Everyone is valued, we all achieve and our dreams for the future begin.

Our School Motto

Our school motto is:



Our Christian Faith is fully embedded into our welcoming classrooms under the overarching Christian Value of love.

Tarleton Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School is a distinctively inclusive and Christian school, serving the local community and the school’s other core values are the golden threads that weave their way through the fabric of our daily lives.

At this School we will encourage young minds to explore and:

  • Learn how to pray
  • Know they are loved by God
  • Understand the story of salvation fulfilled by Jesus Christ
  • Have explored Christian and other faiths
  • Love their neighbour and seek to serve them
  • Be guided by the moral compass of our Christian Values
  • Become courageous advocates for change in the World

The Christian Values that THT have adopted are:

  •  Awe and Wonder‘LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!’ Psalm 8:9
  • Friendship – ‘A friend loves at all times’ Proverbs 17:17
  • Peace‘Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts’ Colossians 3:15
  • Trust – ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart.’ Proverbs 3:5
  • Respect‘Show proper respect to everyone’ 1 Peter 2:1
  • Justice – ‘Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right. Psalm 106:3
  • Forgiveness – ‘Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just
    as in Christ God forgave you’. Ephesians 4:32

Tarleton Holy Trinity CE Primary School recognises its historic foundation and preserves and develops its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church and diocese.

Our school is a special place full of learning, laughter and friendship and where all children are happy feel safe and are valued.

At THT, we provide the best primary education in a stimulating environment. The school develops a love of learning inspired by quality teaching, building and developing upon individual strengths and talents.

We believe every child is entitled to enjoy his or her childhood. We teach the importance of moral Christian values and provide the foundation for lifelong friendships. Children educated at Tarleton Holy Trinity are tolerant, committed and confident. The School works in close partnership with the Church and Community to develop citizens who will lead happy and rewarding lives. 

Our School Aims

We aim to lay a foundation for life by:

  • Educating the children in a sincere, caring and Christian way
  • Developing a moral, spiritual awareness
  • Providing teaching based on Christian beliefs, attitudes and traditions, especially those of the Anglican Church
  • Delivering a broad and balanced curriculum in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, National Curriculum and Blackburn Diocese RE syllabus, with high expectations for all our pupils
  • Developing the whole child, spiritually, morally, culturally, academically and physically through a wide variety of learning experiences and activities
  • Encouraging personal and social development, self-discipline, good manners, high standards of behaviour and care and respect for other people and their property
  • Developing perseverance, independence, positive attitudes to learning and work and a desire for high standards in all that they do
  • Awakening an awareness of the world around us and helping children find joy in living and learning through a wide range of experiences as well as emphasising their self-worth, giving opportunities to contribute in all aspects of school life and to experience success
  • Valuing each child as an individual, emphasising their self-worth, giving opportunities to contribute in all aspects of school life and to experience success
  • Ensuring that every child irrespective of ability, gender, race or culture has an equal opportunity to participate and benefit from all school activities
  • Preparing our pupils for entry into the wider community by building close relationships with parents, the church and the parish, industry and other schools

 Values and Beliefs

We are an inclusive school where pupils, parents, staff, governors, the local authority and local services work in partnership to meet the needs of the community. We celebrate the positive contribution made by different faith, social, ethnic and linguistic groups.

We believe that members of our community should:-

  • have an entitlement to a quality education within a safe, attractive, clean and orderly learning environment,
  • have access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum,
  • enjoy learning, achieve high standards and reach their potential,
  • be taught and supported by highly skilled and motivated staff,
  • be valued, respected and treated fairly,
  • show tolerance and respect towards others,
  • receive praise and encouragement and grow in confidence,
  • be responsible for their own learning and behaviour,
  • understand the need for good personal relationships and healthy living,
  • have access to a full range of extended schools services including childcare, health and social care, lifelong learning, family learning, study support and an out of hours programme of sports and arts activities,
  • be enabled to make a positive contribution to the community and the wider world.

Staff and governors demonstrate our values and commitment to equality by:-

  • ensuring acceptable behaviour,
  • responding to incidents and complaints in a proactive way,
  • providing access to services, facilities and information,
  • recruiting and employing people fairly,
  • meeting specific needs.

Equality Objectives

  • To promote pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through worship and appropriate curricular opportunities, with particular emphasis on promoting equality and diversity.
  • To narrow the gap between boys and girls in reading and writing by the end of each Key Stage.