Our Open Day – 12th October 2016
Wow…what a turn out to our ‘Open Day’. It was lovely to see so many parents – both ones we know and ones that are new to us – coming to see all the exciting things that we do at Tarleton Holy Trinity.
During the Open Day, Year 6 ‘did us proud’ and were fantastic ambassadors for our school. They did a wonderful job showing all the visitors round and were so passionate and knowledgeable about our school. Well done and THANK YOU Year 6!!
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to our Open Day!!
Thank you to all the staff who ensured that the school, as always, looked its best
And Thank You to three of our Governors, Mr Every, Mrs Watkinson and Mr Brown, and to Mrs Bates (who runs our Stepping Stones Group) for giving up their time to come and help join in with the day.