Today it was the turn of Year 3 to present their Class Worship to us. They told us all about the 10 commandments through some wonderful acting!! Well done Year 3!!
It was the last Stepping Stones of the School Year, and Mrs Bates organised a trip for all the Stepping Stones children to visit the Windmill Animal Farm.
We have enjoyed our first ever Year 6 Leavers’ Service in church for the three local Church schools. Fr David is the Rector of Rufford CE Primary, Tarleton Mere Brow CE Primary and Tarleton Holy Trinity CE Primary and the Year 6 pupils (and teachers/headteachers)...
Each year, our school council raises money, not only for charities, but also for things that THEY would like to have in school. In the past they have raised money for and bought goals for the playground and hopscotch markings for the playground.
If you remember, our Tri Golf Team became the District Champions for West Lancashire not too long ago which means we took part in the Lancashire Games Finals in Blackpool.