
Prize Giving Worship – 19th July 2024

Prize Giving Worship – 19th July 2024

It was a warm Prize Giving Assembly / Worship this morning – but a fantastic time to celebrate everything that the THT children have achieved this year!!

A whole host of Medals, Certificates and Trophies were given out…I know I’m biased…but THT is such as special place with so many fantastic children!!
A huge WELL DONE to all the prize winners!!
Reception Orla
Year 1 Jasmine
Year 2 Matilda D
Year 3 Isla
Year 4 Charlotte
Year 5 Elena
Year 6 Harry
Key Stage 1 Nellie in Year 2
Key Stage 2 Jack in Year 6
Sports Trophy Luke and Ophelia in Year 6
Kindness Cup Sophie in Year 6