What a Start to the Season!! On Thursday 20th October our new Girls’ Football Team took part in their first ever tournament…and they were very nervous!!
‘We are the Champions!!’ On Wednesday 12th October we took two teams to Tarleton Academy to take part in the West Lancashire Sports Partnership Cross Country race…and didn’t we do well!!
Harvest 2016 On Friday 16th September we all enjoyed a lovely Harvest festival in church. Thank you to all the all the parents, carers and family members who joined us in church for last Friday’s Harvest Festival!! There were many gifts of tins and...
The Friends Bog Eyed Jog On the 30th September we held our annual fundraising Bog Eyed Jog…with the children coming to school early and then jogging around the playground.
Year 5 Have some Quiet Reading Time Our Year 5 Class have their Library time towards the end of the day on a Wednesday. Many of the children were in the School Library choosing books to read over the next week.
Year 3 Practise for the Harvest Service Mr Skinner’s class left the classroom on Wednesday afternoon and walked over to church…(Mr Smith followed with a camera!!)